Monday, August 21, 2006

Family tidings

I think I may get more hits when I post pictures of Cassie. Who I swear has gained like a pound in the past week or so and who is scarfing down food like none other. And who only seems to want to sleep on the bed when both Spyboy and I are up there. Otherwise, she just likes to jump up there, check on me, and attack me before running off. If we're both up there, though, she'll crawl on one of us or nestle in the crook of an arm or the curve of a back adn fall asleep. I think it might be because Spyboy radiates heat like a freaking sauna.

So I've decided my family is just depressingly successful. Or at least my brother and his wife. My brother? Graduated when the economy was at its worst in a field that is shrinking and yet manages to get a job a week before he moved up to Boston at a great organization where they love him and give him great career advice. Now another organization is offering him a decent job in a place where his wife would love to live (she wants to be closer to her family). My sister-in-law gets her PhD, gets a job at another great organization again where they love her and give her promotions and whatnot and bend over backwards to get her to stay there. And I'm not saying these two don't deserve their good breaks. Especially my sister-in-law because most of hers have come through hard work. It's just depressing to hear about all of this from MY end of things. IE stuck in a not-great job, doing stuff that requires very little brainpower, and having no idea of what I'd rather be doing except that this is NOT it. Sigh. Oh well. I'll just have to go to grad school, get a kickass job, and then move somewhere exotic while making tons of money. (No, I'm not competitive with my brother... why do you ask?)

Though at least I didn't have to juggle two cats, a dog, three thirteen year olds, and my aunt, as my parents did a few weekends ago. Not that my cousin and her friends aren't adorable. Well, I haven't met the friends, but my cousin is pretty damn cool, so I'd trust her to have some decent friends. But my aunt, being not entirely sane, thought that bringing their dog on a road trip which involved staying with my parents for a weekend would be a good idea. Now my parents' house has no place for a dog. None of it is fenced in. AND we have two cats, one who is old and cranky, and the other who is huge and playful. Felix (huge and playful) might have gotten along okay with a dog. Oreo (old and cranky) definitely would not. She barely puts up with Felix. But my aunt somehow thought that all would get along. So my poor mother spent the weekend shifting cats from upstairs to the basement, trying to avoid the dog all the while. And then? When the dog (and my relatives) had left? The dog had chewed through the cord of my mom's sewing machine. Of ALL the things to chew through, that would probably be the worst.


Washington Cube said...

Little Cassie is just too cute and fulfills my philosophy that cats cannot take a bad photograph. All of their sides are good.

Liberal Banana said...

I think everyone (roughly) that is our age has the same "unfilled by their job and wondering what they SHOULD be doing instead" feeling. Oddly enough, I just got an email from my friend tonight who is leaving teaching (although she's going to school for her masters right now) and is going to get into a training program for counseling kids with cancer, which she lost her brother to. Isn't that an inspiration? It's nice that she can do that; a lot of people can't support themselves while going through a career change like that...

Rebecca said...

Washington Cube: Yes, she is ridiculously cute. The sad thing is I can't quite photograph her cutest moments because she moves too fast. If only we could figure out how they have such good sides. We could patent that and totally make a ton of money.

LB: I know. I wonder if other generations have had this problem, or if they just viewed work differently, accepted that it was for a salary and not necessarily for fulfillment. And that's really cool about your friend. That would be such a hard, but rewarding job.