Friday, August 11, 2006

TMI, or why I don't want to know anything about "man juice"

So remember the wedding which I refused to call tacky, but plainly was? Apparently things have not stopped there. Now this is a couple who want to have kids like yesterday. And the groom at least was a virgin. I knew way too much about his sex life before he got married (non-existent for all real purposes) and about how he managed this (he didn't do ANYTHING). I could handle this knowledge. Really, I could. However. Spyboy saw them last weekend. Apparently a discussion was held on how the groom is not producing much during sex. Yes, that's right. They had a discussion on the volume of "man juice," as Spyboy and possible the lovely couple called it, the groom produces. It is a source of worry with them, what with the whole wanting to get knocked up asap. When Spyboy told me this? First word (and several words after) was Eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww... Not something that really should be shared. Which, of course, is why I'm posting about it in a public forum. Then I came up with funny things to do about it. Like next time I see the groom, give him some apple juice, with the comment "I heard you were having a hard time creating your own juice, so here's some manufactored." It entertained me.

I also was reminded last night of how sweet Spyboy really can be (MUCH later, after the "man juice" comments). I was talking about Oxford and my doubts about being a Rhodes Scholar and whatnot and what kind of effect it would have on our relationship. He was quiet for a minute and then said, "hey, I'll just go over there and work in a pub." Actually, he pronounced it "poooob," thinking he was funny, but we'll overlook that. And later told me to go ahead and apply for it and we'll worry about all that stuff when I get it. It was just really sweet and reassuring. Sigh. Now if only I could get him to buy me flowers, I'd be set.

Oh, and my coworker has been nagging me to post more pictures of Cassie. So be prepared and don't blame me...


Anonymous said...

Now I'm sitting here thinking about man juice... How much are they really expecting there to be? I mean it's not like it's a HUGE VOLCANIC explosiion. Sperm are tiny tiny things, are they expecting to see them swimming? I'm confused.

Rebecca said...

I don't think they're worried about the size of the sperm so much as the number. Either way, I'm not sure where they are getting their concept of normal from... since I don't think she's had much experience and it's not really something people talk about much. Maybe, since he's a vet, he's got a skewed view? Like comparing it to a bull's? Either way, not really something I need to know about it.

Liberal Banana said...

Oh, this "man juice" post is just...*shudder!* Do guys actually talk about that stuff?!? YUCK. Dude, no one wants to know about your lack of juices, seriously. Why would he tell Spyboy that? TMI indeed.