So I was watching The Today Show this morning and they had a report on the newly passed law in Texas requiring all girls of a certain age to get the HPV vaccine. There is a HUGE uproar about this. The two people brought on to be interviewed clearly did not like each other, or respect the other person's viewpoint. Poor Meredith completely lost control. Now the governor of Texas was a bit obnoxious about how he passed the bill, basically ignoring everyone else and just doing it. But I couldn't help but listen to the side against him and wonder what they are so afraid of? They are claiming that the science does not yet support mandatory vaccinations (like six medical groups disagree, including the AMA, the American Pediatric Society, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists), it infringes on parental rights, and it might encourage riskier sexual behavior.
First of all, I can see the parental rights argument, but I'm not sure I buy it at all. For one, in the Texas case, the parents can easily opt their kids out. But mainly, my problem stems from the thought that a parent wouldn't want to prevent their daughter from getting cancer. Why would you not want to protect your kid from everything possible? I can't help but wonder if this were a vaccine against leukemia or lung cancer if parents would be so upset. Obviously, there would still be some parents who wanted to opt out for religious reasons. I'm torn, though, about whether or not they should be allowed to. How much right do parents have to completely control their children, to the possible detriment of the children's health? I honestly don't know. Then again, do we really want the government to have all control? Because that seems a little screwy, too. I guess all we can do is strongly encourage people to get their kids vaccinated. Those who don't listen, well, those kids will be helped by the decrease in the number of infections anyways.
Now the whole "this will encourage risky behavior" makes me so mad I want to jump up and down, preferably on the people who are saying this. Are you THAT bad of a parent, is your influence over your child so small that you can't guide them towards safer behavior on your own? Why is this the constant back-up argument for the religious right on sex issues? Why is it so necessary to keep teens in the dark? Now, teens might be foolish, they might take unnecessary risks. But they are going to do that anyways. At least tell them how to protect themselves. Why are we as a society so afraid of the increase of teen-age sex? Studies don't back up this fear; the most recent reliable one showed that the age of loss of virginity and the number of pre-marital partners across society has stayed relatively stable. And say more teens do start having more sex. Will the world end? I doubt it. There might be a few more bitter people at younger ages, but no fire and brimstone. I'm not saying teens should be having sex. I don't think they should. I don't think it's wise and I don't think they are emotionally ready for it and I think it'd be great if everyone waited until they got married. But that's not reality.
Personally, I don’t like the idea that the government mandates. I understand why some vaccinations are required to prevent the spread of disease, but HPV isn’t the same because you have to have sex in order to get it. If it were spread like the flu or cold, I’d be all about requiring vaccinations. If someone is choosing not to have sex, the vaccine shouldn’t be required. Having sex without the vaccination is risky, but it’s not as if teens don’t have a choice to engage ion sex or not.
I really don’t understand why everyone is all up in arms about making sure teens are vaccinated against HPV. From what I hear, the vaccination is just as effective in your early to mid 20’s. What’s wrong with making it optional and educating people? If the parents object, the girls can get vaccinated when they are 18. Most girls that have sex before then are going to have parents that let them get vaccinated. I just don’t see a reason for all the strife.
Actually, there have been some studies to suggest that it can be passed by casual contact, such as through toilet seats. And the problem is that it isn't contracted through just vaginal sex. It's contracted through any genital tissue, hence why condoms don't protect against it. As the "true love waits" trend has expanded, so has the number of teens engaging in oral or other sex. These are the kids whose parents are probably going to be against getting them vaccinated. And who does it hurt to have them vaccinated?
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