Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Die Another Day

I like going to the Subway near work. Not so much for their food, although it is quite tasty and cheap and I can pretend like I'm actually getting veggies. Mainly, though, I like going there because the workers there are so nice to me. They are primarily hispanic men, a group who seems predisposed to like me, and they seem like just genuinely nice guys. It's amazing how little things like guys looking at you like you're attractive can make a day better.

I also found out, thanks to an article on cell phone radiation, that I probably don't have to worry about developing cancer from my cell phone. Mine happens to be low. Which is good because it means I won't have to stay up tonight worrying about it. Instead, I'll concentrate on dying from gall stones or a bum liver or whatever is wrong with my stomach. If it's my liver, I'm going to be mad. Because I've hardly gotten in a full three years of drinking and I don't want to quit now.

Anyways, we were talking at work today about some of the many differences between the sexes. Like women, while desperately not liking pain, really have a higher pain tolerance. Which just makes sense. When men can squeeze something that weighs 8 pounds and squirms out of them, they can talk about pain. Though, personally, I'm planning on being completely drugged during childbirth. I mean, I CAN do it, but why waste the effort. The other topic was the topic of irrationally getting angry. I will fully admit that many women have that perfected to an art. Such as, when banging a toe or elbow, yelling irrationally at the object that caused the pain. I don't care if I ran into the corner. It is still the corner's fault. How dare that corner be there! If I can blame someone else for putting the corner there, I will. Obviously, the designer of whatever structure I'm in was stupid. Otherwise, I would not have run into anything. In fact, I not only hate the corner and the designer, but I also hate the entire building if not every building ever. I think this makes perfect sense. According to my token-male coworker, guys don't do this. Instead, they accept that it is their own fault and move on. I think this is one of the fundamental problems in many relationships. If a guy I'm dating is going to take every emotional outburst as fact, or if he thinks that I seriously hate all buildings ever, we're going to have a problem. Guys just need to lighten up and realize taht there are times when it is necessary to blame everyone else.


Liberal Banana said...

It's funny that you say it like that because I love to get all worked up over stuff. If I had a really hellish commute, I'd bitch about it to my boyfriend like the world was going to end. But HE thought I was complaining too much and unhappy. I was like, "NO. I just love telling stories when things that happen to me suck. I don't need you to fix it, I just want you to say, "Wow. That sucks." THE END!

Rebecca said...

Exactly! My boyfriend does the same thing. And then I get annoyed because I don't want any advice or anything. I just want to complain, tell my story, get a tiny bit of sympathy, and then move on. It's more fun that way.